Activation 12 Months €5.00

Bay iptv Samsung TV App Development
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BAY IPTV smart app is a general media player and does not include any playlists, you need to upload your own playlists. The developers of BAY IPTV app are not responsible for the content you upload to the application
7 day free trial
The BAY IPTV SMART Media Player app has a 7-day free trial period once installed on your smart TV to test the functionality of the app
bay iptv pay
Users can activate their Smart TVs and supported devices after paying a one-time fee of 11.99 EUR for each TV or device.
BAY IPTV SMART Media Player app
does not provide any advertising for
content providers.
bayiptv activation
If you do not want to have delays in activation, it is recommended not to wait for the trial version to expire if everything is working

- BAY IPTV smart app does not provide contents and it is pure media player. To use BAY IPTV, you have to upload your own playlist. If you have not playlisted, then you can’t use BAY IPTV APP anymore so in this case do not pay. Also, we are not allowing activation for the users that don’t have own playlist.

Our Work
Bay iptv Smart Application Media Player
